Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Beginnings

Hello blogger world. My name is Paula and I'm a mom of 3 children ages 19(b), 16(b), and 8(g). I found my love in 2000 and we married in 2002. I had some challenges along the way but I see how it has helped me grow into the person I am today. I admire this love because he was 7 yrs younger than me and he was willing to take on the challenge of a woman with 2 boys. He was willing to take them in and grow with them into a trusting relationship that would prove to be just the blessing we all needed. It wasn't easy by any means. The challenges in the beginning proved to be really tough at times. But he was such a man who was willing to see each trial through. Again, I am so thankful!

I've decided to start this blog because I know I am NOT the only mom out there who struggles with a past and a mom who desires to see her children love the Lord and grow in grace to a healthy adult life. I know I'm not the only one out there who struggles with the battle that rages in this world to devour our children. Some times I want to give up the fight and turn them over and sometimes I want to hold on so tight I can't even breath. I am growing gracefully through parenting and trying to find that balance.

The challenges range so much in my life because of the age gap and gender differences. I know I'm not the only one out there with this issue either. I'm not here to just throw my life out there and hope you will read it and gain some insight but, I hope you will dialogue with me in your own journey of Growing Graceful Thru Parenting. I want to share resources that I find and hope you will do the same. Share your stories in your own life and your own struggles..

When my first baby boy was born and I looked into his angelic face, I knew without a doubt there had to be a Creator in heaven to create such and amazingly beautiful child. I knew that I needed to know this Creator because He was the only one who was going to help me raise him. Thus started my journey not only as a mom but as a Christ follower. I wish I could say it was easy once I found Jesus and that all the questions were answered and my life was a bowl full of cherries. However, that isn't the case. It was a long hard journey of searching for truth, battling the forces of this world, and my own sinful flesh. Living almost 25 years without Christ I truly had some repenting to do and learning to forgive myself was much harder than anything else I have conquered. I can't say today I have finally reached that point almost 20 years later but, I am closer and I am a changed person. Christ has redeemed me and His grace is sufficient for me.. and for you! I share that with you because this is part of the journey. It's an essential part to raising children. Those who don't know Christ personally and have Him living inside of them.. well, all of this is much more difficult without Him. I can't imagine what I would do without the owners manual, The Bible. God has taught me so much about my walk with him through parenting that it's staggering. Have you missed it? I hope not. Because it is there in the pain, joy, and suffering of parenting that I saw my Jesus loving me... with each rebellious act. With every act of sin and defiance. It has been there that He has revealed his amazing Grace and love for his children. You. Me. All of us and our children.

If you are on this journey or just beginning. I hope you will go along with me. The Lord has some amazing things to show us in our daily lives with our children that not only reveals His true nature, but his love, mercy, grace, and compassion for us in this world.

God's grace to you while you are Growing Graceful Thru Parenting!