Saturday, January 8, 2011

God's Perfect Timing

Hello blogger world!

This one is so very near and dear to my heart because of how true it is in my life. God's perfect timing in everything that has had me concerned. But, it wasn't until I began to pay attention that I was able to see God's hand at work in my life and in the lives of those around me. Paying attention is key here. Because you will miss it. God doesn't send out a flair when he's about to perform a miracle in your midst. Kinda like when you enter your child's room and clean it for them while they aren't home, or when you wash their clothes and place them in their drawers so they don't have to wonder where their favorite pair of jeans are. (No, I actually never did this.) I do their laundry but, I don't place them nicely in their drawers or pay attention to what their favorite clothes are.. But, you might. That's like God.. when He is working in our lives even when we aren't paying attention. We don't send out a signal to let our kids letting them know when we will clean their clothes, dishes, or the house they live in.. We just do it. Because we know it's healthy, safe, and more pleasing. What a thankless job it is. But because we know better we do it.

One amazing story of this that my DS2 (dear son #2) and I were just talking about the other day.Was  when he was in 6th grade. I was at work and he was at school. I can't remember the events of the day but I had the afternoon off from work and thought it would be a fun surprise to stop by the middle school and pick him up for the day. Mother son time. When I drove up it just happen to be a time when classes were changing and I ran into ds2 right outside. (Here is the miracle of the moment) I saw a boy hand him something. Right there right at that very moment I was able to see an exchange to my ds2 that could have altered a future for him. DS2 had this look on his face that screamed guilty. But still wasn't sure what was going on just yet. I asked him if he wanted to check out to hang for the day but his response wasn't what I expected , this child hated school, so for him not to jump on the chance quickly took me back. Then it clicked. In a matter of seconds a million thoughts went through my head, a boy just handed him something, he is acting weird, what should I do, could it be..., what situation did God just place me in? I asked my son for the "thing" in his pocket. Fearing someone would see before I had a chance to get the full story. I stuck it in my purse told him to go to class and I would be checking him out. This also gave me a moment to gather my thoughts. Absorb the miracle that just happened. Plus figure out how I am supposed to deal with this situation so that ds2 has a moment to learn and see just how much God is constantly holding him in his hands every day, all day.

Well, the pill turned out to be nothing. But the boy was telling him it was steroids and would make him stronger. I took ds2 to lunch that day and we discussed how God had placed me there at that particular moment during that particular day and neither of us were even aware we were being guided at that moment by the Creator. We prayed and I told him what he was about to do was a very dangerous thing. Not only for him but, for the boy who gave it to him. We must always be on guard to the world around us. It served as one of the most impactful lessons ds2 could have ever had on his own. It was the most impactful moment a parent could have had. I knew at that very moment I was never going to be alone in my days of parenting or that my husband and I would never be left to try and look after them 24/7 alone. We could trust the God of this universe to help us. We just had to be awake. We have to be aware. We have to be looking for the signs. We must not fall asleep or we will miss it. We will miss the miracles of the hand of God in our lives. Not that He will stop working.. but, we will miss seeing it.

Nothing will build your faith or your love for the Lord more than seeing Him at work in your life or your child's life. Helping you to Grow Graceful Thru Parenting.

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