Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Don't Let the World Tell Your Child Their Worth

Lets back up a bit in time. My now soon to be 17 yr old was 5 almost 6 yrs old when this following scenerio played out in our home.
DS2 struggled with phonics. He could not understand it to save his life. We tried EVERYTHING and when he was in kindergarten the teacher wasn't sure WHY this boy, my boy, couldn't read like the other kids. I don't have anything against teachers. I actually have a lot of respect for someone who would CHOOSE to take care of a room full of other people's children. All while trying to teach them the same thing at the same time. It's the public school system I have little respect for. They don't have enough diversity in learning styles. Oh, sure, we've accommodated for language barrier's, color difference, but we have little effort that has show me they excel in the area of learning styles. So from K-9th grade my boy was "helped" and basically pushed through the system being treated "different" and "special" all because he doesn't learn the way the masses do.

So, my boy, because he didn't do well with phonics struggled to learn to read. He would avoid it like the plague. Because it's only natural to avoid the things we don't do well. RIGHT!? I remember the moment he laid on his bed in tears as I passed by his room. I stopped to inquire the problem only to find out he was broken to the core at the thought that he would never learn to read. "Lord, help my boy learn to read." He did.

Let's speed up a few years. It's nineth grade and my ever struggling son is loosing the very life within him. Beaten down by teachers and peers. He is losing the battle of knowledge. He is being lost in the crowd. Day 1 of school I saw a light shine. He was ready to learn and had the willing spirit to do well. By week 8 his shoulders were slumped and he could barely even get out of bed much less tackle the daunting task of homework every night after being beaten all day long with the reminder he just didn't "get it".

Let me just say- it pays to pay attention to your children. I could have missed all the signs in our very busy life. I could have ignored the signs as well because I just don't have time to deal with this. Thus, began my prayers. Lord, what is wrong with my child? What can I DO for my child? Just show me what's wrong with him and help me know how to help him. I prayed that every day when I dropped him off at the high school for two solid weeks when FINALLY the answer came as a great word from the Lord. I heard God speak to my heart. He is a square trying to fit into a circle. No matter how hard you try and no matter how much you do he will never fit. He isn't bad or wrong for not fitting. It just is what it is. But the world was telling him he didn't fit. He wasn't fitting in to the masses. It may have even been telling him he was stupid or wouldn't ever get very far cause he would never get it. They are surely right. IF he stayed with the masses and continued to be subject to their ONLY way then yes he probably wouldn't have gotten far. They would give him just enough to get by, BARELY!

Since removing him from the masses because I KNOW my child could succeed in a different setting this is a glimpse into his world today after 1.5 yrs of homeschooling.

My boy LOVES to read.

So, the next time the world tries to tell your child what their worth is. It's time to prove them wrong and fight harder than you've ever fought before for your child. It is so worth it. They are so worth it. He has blossomed in ways I never thought possible. His personality has changed from "chip on my shoulder" to "concerned for others and compassion."  

Thank you Lord for growing me more graceful in my walk of parenting. Thank you for being faithful to hear the cry of a mother's heart. Your mercy never ceases to amaze me.

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