Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Why Obeying Your Husband Matters

“As the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in EVERYTHING—Ephesians 5:24.” (emphasis mine)
So the family I grew up with did not depict what Christ meant in this verse or verses of this chapter in Ephesians. So, growing up and hearing this verse I thought SURELY Christ doesn't mean that for every wife. Most surely He didn't mean EVERYTHING. 
2 failed marriages 3rd being God's grace poured out on me and 3 children later I get it. What a rough hard road to wander down to finally get this. I wish someone had explained it so clearly to me as I see today. Maybe they did and I didn't have the eyes to see or the ears to hear. One simple truth could have saved me a lot of trouble: God said I'm gonna have to obey my husband in EVERYTHING, Hence the reason to choose your husband wisely. WOW, now that's a revelation. 
In my clouded view of childhood of a domineering father with little compassion for his children or his wife. I couldn't see this perfect picture Christ had drawn for the church. If a man loves his wife as Christ loves the church and if the Wife obeys her husband as the church submits to Christ then their will be harmony. Not perfection, yet, here on earth but a much clearer picture to the world what our relationship with Christ is like and will be like in heaven. 
If you are one of those women who struggles with submission and obeying your husband begin to ask God how He can help you to know this truth. Spend daily time in prayer asking God to reveal ways you can submit to your husband. If you are like me your every fiber of being will fight you because of the attitude that screams "no man will ever take advantage of me again". I can take care of myself. Which in turn breeds an attitude of what good are you to me anyways? Truth is God has placed a high calling on men to be the men in the women's lives. To lead, direct and cherish her. God has placed it on man as his responsibility. But, you know what has happened? Women have stomped their feet demanding equal rights and equal treatment. Women through their temper tantrums have sought after the leadership that was by God's design to be mans. Look what has happened. Our children come home to empty houses. We have malnourished kids. More kids on educational medication. Women exhausted and too tried to spend time with their children so they buy extra TV's so everyone can watch something different just so we don't have to entertain them. Husbands being lazy, passive, by standards as the charge of women come racing in to snatch their responsibility right out of their hands which breeds disrespect for the men leaving them feeling worthless to the world and might I say into the hands of internet pornography and a place they feel maybe they can be dominant. Maybe where they can at least pretend they are wanted and needed. Because their wives are too tired and lack so much respect the sex drive just isn't there any more. The drive for intimacy with someone you have little respect for isn't appealing and so the cycle continues. I supposed I could go on with different scenarios. But, I think you get the point. I realize some cycles are way out of control. But our God is a big God and if you want real change in your marriage or even in your husband try submitting. Allowing him to take the heat from God what is rightfully his when he doesn't step up and lead his family. Step aside. 
Be a wife and allow God to work in your husband the way he intended. The impact on your children by living out the scriptures is more impacting than any bible study or words could ever be. Model God's way and receive the blessing.
But mostly teach your boys to be good leaders and to love as Christ loves.  Teach your daughters the importance of looking for God's best in a husband because she is commanded to obey him and she wants to be sure she can live that out in a way that is glorifying to our Lord.
Check out this movie coming out soon

Honor Begins at Home

Four men, one calling: To serve and protect. As law enforcement officers, Adam Mitchell, Nathan Hayes, David Thomson, and Shane Fuller are confident and focused. Yet at the end of the day, they face a challenge that none of them are truly prepared to tackle: fatherhood.
While they consistently give their best on the job, good enough seems to be all they can muster as dads. But they're quickly discovering that their standard is missing the mark.
When tragedy hits home, these men are left wrestling with their hopes, their fears, their faith, and their fathering. Can a new found urgency help these dads draw closer to God ... and to their children?
Filled with action-packed police drama, COURAGEOUS is the fourth film from Sherwood Pictures, the movie making ministry of Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany, Georgia. Riveted moviegoers will once again find themselves laughing, crying, and cheering as they are challenged and inspired by everyday heroes who long to be the kinds of dads that make a lifelong impact on their children.
Protecting the streets is second nature to these men. Raising their children in a God-honoring way? That's courageous.

In Theaters September 30


  1. I love this post you have shared. It is steeped in Biblical truth and application. Thanks for taking the time to post!


  2. Thanks Lisa.. Every day I live as a parent I get to know my Heavenly Father more. What a challenging blessing.
